Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oreo Please

This is another of John's funny stories about the kids, but I am writing it because he is too busy. I am busy too but my list can wait a few minutes. So Johnny was up with Anna on Sunday Morning and she had gotten into a large potted plant and sampled some of the soil. Well Johnny had not cleaned her up yet and she crawled away into Eric's room where he was just waking up. So he saw her dirty mouth and picked her up and brought her out to John. Then he asked, "Can I have an OREO too?"

Written by Julie with John's help

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Helping Mom

Garrett is always ever helpful and mom is always in need. So I asked him to help with the wash. He does this quite often. Actually all the boys help me do the wash quite often. But this time, Garrett was going the extra mile. He usually takes the clean clothes out of the dryer and folds any towels and leaves the rest on the couch to be done later. He is a towel folding expert, bath towel, dish towel, wash rag it doesn't matter. Then I go and change the washer to the dryer and start a new load. He decided to finish the job and do mom's part, but he can't reach to the bottom of the washer to get the clothes on bottom. So he just climbed in to get them out and Dad caught him. He is so helpful and tries to find ways to do hard things.

Written by Julie.

That's Wierd !!!

Eric said, "Dad, Let me see your muscles."

John shows Eric his muscles.

Eric said, "Your have bigger muscles than me, and I AM STRONGER than you. That's Weird!!!

John said, "Yep."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Aeronautical Safety

Tonight, Brigham taught me how to build the best paper airplanes I have ever learned to build. They truly fly amazing! So I made some for each of the boys. Up until this point Brigham was the only one with these cool airplanes. So the boys were trying out there flying capabilities when Jasons airplane dove right into the open oven and landed on the heating element. We were making cookies and a batch was just coming out of the oven. We had no time to respond as it immediately burst into flames. It was a good laugh! Johnny barely got a picture of the inferno before it was over. Paper airplanes burn up pretty quick, you know. Please do not try this at home. We are certainly going to practice better flight safety.

Written by Julie